Death Awareness Impacts Employees During COVID-19
New research explores the different ways employees experience death awareness, and how this can impact workplace outcomes.
New research explores the different ways employees experience death awareness, and how this can impact workplace outcomes.
Research demonstrates that conscientious employees may experience extra stress in the face of workplace ambiguity. How can organizations help them?
Researchers show how certain leaders can be affected by giving employees negative feedback. How can organizations ensure that accurate feedback remains constructive for both parties?
Researchers find that people with a proactive personality succeed at work during difficult times. What is their secret to success?
Psychologically empowered leaders are capable of passing their empowerment on to their employees. What factors predict whether or not they actually do it?
Researchers demonstrate that assuming a leadership position may change a person’s level of conscientiousness, even in the long term.
Research finds that employee autonomy, an aspect of well-being, begins to restore even while stress is still ongoing. This pattern is stronger for employees higher in neuroticism.
Although leader humility is generally considered a good thing, researchers find that in one instance it may actually lead to problems in the workplace.
Researchers explore how narcissistic employees may negatively impact team coordination and performance.
Researchers examine how warmth and assertiveness, two facets of extraversion, can lead to leadership emergence on self-managed teams.