Category: Burnout

Perceived Prosocial Impact: The Burnout Antidote

Topic: Burnout Publication: Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (2010) Article: Doing good buffers against feeling bad: Prosocial impact compensates for negative task and self-evaluations. Authors: A.M. Grant, and S. Sonnentag Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger Employee burnout often manifests itself in the form of emotional exhaustion which has been found to

Job Demands are to “I can’t” as Job Resources are to “I won’t”

Topic: Burnout, Job Analysis, Job Performance Publication: Journal of Organizational Behavior (OCT 2009) Article: How changes in job demands and resources predict burnout, work engagement, and sickness absenteeism Authors: W.B. Schaufeli, A.B. Bakker, W. Van Rhenen Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger There are many theories that explain the causes and effects of

Predicting Burnout

Topic: Burnout, Turnover Publication: The Journal of Applied Psychology (2008) Article: Early predictors of job burnout and engagement. Blogger: Larry Martinez Burnout refers to a sense of just being ‘over’ one’s job, as in, “I don’t want to do this anymore, I’m burned out.”  This is a problem for organizations and