How to Inspire Workplace Innovation: Increase Employee Self-Efficacy
Researchers demonstrate the importance of employee self-efficacy in promoting innovation and creativity at work.
Researchers demonstrate the importance of employee self-efficacy in promoting innovation and creativity at work.
Do you want to excel at what you do, instead of just going through the motions? A new study on thriving at work finds that employees who are more hopeful, efficacious, resilient, optimistic, and have supportive supervisors are more likely to succeed, which in turn is related to greater self-development and work performance.
Topic: Culture, Self Efficacy, Work Environment
Publication: Applied Psychology: An International Review (JAN 2010)
Article: A cross-national examination of self-efficacy as a moderator of autonomy/job strain relationships
Authors: M.M. Nauta, C. Liu, and C. Li
Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger
Topic: Training SIOP Presentation: Trainee-trainer similarity in e-learning: Effects with computerized trainers Presenters: T.S. Behrend and L.F. Thompson Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger Despite its disadvantages, e-learning is becoming more and more popular in organizational and educational settings and thus the task is for researchers to explore ways that can help trainees benefit from
Topic: Personality, Motivation, Goals Publication: Personality and Individual Differences (JAN 2010) Article: Individual differences in reactions to goal-performance discrepancies over time. Authors: P.D. Converse, E. Steinhauser, and J. Pathak Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger By nature, a goal creates a discrepancy between an employee’s current performance and some future state. For example,
Topic: Self Efficacy Publication: Journal of Applied Psychology (MAY 2009) Article: Does it pay to be smart, attractive, or confident (or all three)? Relationships among general mental ability, physical attractiveness, core self-evaluations, and income. Authors: T.A. Judge, C. Hurst, L.S. Simon Reviewed by: Larry Martinez Who among us would be surprised
Topic: Self Efficacy, Goals Publication: The Journal of Applied Psychology (2008) Article: The role of feedback, causal attributions, and self-efficacy in goal revision .Author: A.P. Tolli, A.M. Schmidt Reviewed by: Benjamin Granger One thing that we know is that employees frequently revise their performance goals. But we know less about how and why they do so….until now. In a recent study from Journal of Applied