Can Career Mentoring Make People Want to Leave Their Organization?
New research finds that mentoring can have unintended consequences. Can organizations implement mentoring programs without compromising employee retention?
New research finds that mentoring can have unintended consequences. Can organizations implement mentoring programs without compromising employee retention?
New research explains why it is important for organizations to have leaders who promote the organization and its culture. Ultimately, it can lead to increased employee commitment and decreased turnover.
New research finds that a quick, pictorial measure of job burnout shows promising validity.
New research shows that ethnic minority CEOs compared to nonethnic minority CEOs experience around half the risk of turnover.
New research finds that the use of variable work schedules leads to higher turnover, and in turn, slower performance recovery, especially during a crisis.
Job developmental experiences are usually considered helpful for employee development, but they can sometimes lead to harmful outcomes.
Age diversity occurs when younger and older workers occupy the same workplace. What can management do to motivate and retain employees under these circumstances?
Researchers demonstrate that machine learning techniques may offer advantages compared to conventional selection and hiring methods.
Researchers consider whether managerial pressure and managerial inspiration lead employees to stay or leave.
Experts successfully implement a job-redesign intervention that made a substantial positive impact on MIT and Harvard knowledge workers.