Category: *International Journal of Selection and Assessment

Situational Judgment Tests and the Impact of Elaboration

Topic: Assessment, Selection Publication: International Journal of Selection and Assessment Article: Impact of elaboration on responding to situational judgment test items. Author: F. Lievens, H. Peeters Featured by: Benjamin Granger Several questions can and should be asked of the tools organizations use for employee selection.  For example, does the specific tool create adverse impact? Does it really

Don’t Stress About the Job Search…Oh Wait, Maybe You Should!

Topic: Staffing, Stress Publication: International Journal of Selection and Assessment Article: The joint role of locus of control and perceived financial need in job search. Blogger: Benjamin Granger Not surprisingly, one of the most important predictors of finding employment is the intensity with which one searches for a job (Remember mom saying, “Get off the couch and go look

If I’m Bad, Then So Are You!

Topic: Feedback, Job Performance, Performance Appraisal Publication: International Journal of Selection and Assessment Article: The influence of a manager’s own performance appraisal on the evaluation of others. Blogger: Benjamin Granger Have you ever received a poor performance appraisal from a supervisor?  (Let’s hope not too many!)  If you have, were you surprised?  (Hey, I’m a pretty good employee! What

Friends don’t let friends use unsubstantiated selection and development methods

Topic: Assessment, Research Methodology Publication: International Journal of Selection and Assessment Article: HR professionals’ beliefs about, and knowledge of, assessment techniques and psychometric tests. Blogger: Rob Stilson Some academics slave over piles of data and spend months of their lives trying to determine the best selection and development methods available for the work place. Makes you wonder; is anybody paying attention? If your life’s work involves developing the absolute, most

When the Cat’s Away the Mice Will Cheat. Unless…

Topic: Assessment, Selection Publication: International Journal of Selection and Assessment Article: Two step testing in employee selection: Is score inflation a problem? Blogger: Benjamin Granger Many organizations are moving from traditional proctored selection tests to unproctored web-based tests.  Why? Among other advantages, unproctored web-based selection tests are often cheaper (no need