Day: June 1, 2009


Topic: Diversity Publication: Journal of Business Ethics Article: Are men always picked over women. The effects of employment equity directives on selection decisions. Blogger: LitDigger OK.  Touchy subject time.  Ever thought about the influence of the company’s employment equity directives?  Research by Ng and Wiesner (2007) shows that such directives may matter – especially if you’re a female applicant. Who dislikes employment equity directives?  Is this because you are in the majority group (ah hem,

Friends don’t let friends use unsubstantiated selection and development methods

Topic: Assessment, Research Methodology Publication: International Journal of Selection and Assessment Article: HR professionals’ beliefs about, and knowledge of, assessment techniques and psychometric tests. Blogger: Rob Stilson Some academics slave over piles of data and spend months of their lives trying to determine the best selection and development methods available for the work place. Makes you wonder; is anybody paying attention? If your life’s work involves developing the absolute, most

Is interrater correlation really a proper measurement of reliability?

Topic: Measurement, Research Methodology, Statistics Publication: Human Performance Article: Exploring the relationship between interrater correlations and validity of peer ratings Blogger: Rob Stilson Interrater reliability (still with me?, Ok good) is often used as the main reliability estimate for the correction of validity coefficients when the criterion is job performance. Issues arise with this practice when one considers that the errors present between raters may not

C’mon, you can trust me!

Topic: Organizational Justice, Job Performance, Trust Publication: Journal of Management Article: The Relationship between being perceived as trustworthy and performance Blogger: Larry Martinez OK, so most of the research done on trustworthiness in the workplace has focused on whether or not you think that your coworkers and leaders are trustworthy and the

I Think, Therefore You Act

Topic: Decision Making, Judgement Publication: Academy of Management Journal Article: Cognition, capabilities, and incentives: Assessing firm response to the fiber-optic revolution. Blogger: Katie Bachman Well, it’s sometimes good to confirm what we already know (lucky for this article).  In this case the learning is that he (or she) who is in charge makes the rules.  Looking at CEOs from 71 communications firms, Kaplan makes a link between the interest of

Where leaving it to Beaver meets the bottom line

Topic: Citizenship Behavior, Job Performance Publication: Human Performance Article: Test of Motowidlo et al.’s (1997) theory of individual differences in task and contextual performance. Blogger: James Grand A helpful hand here or a thoughtful “hi-how-are-ya” might be more valuable than we think. Psychologists are starting to realize that such dispositional characteristics can be meaningful predictors of on-the-job performance. Nearly 10 years ago, Motowidlo, Borman and Schmit proposed that performance at work was

Arranging the Top Dogs for Maximum Effectiveness

Topic: Teams, Organizational Performance Publication: The Academy of Management Journal Article: Top management team functional background diversity and firm performance. Blogger: Benjamin Granger A key factor that can have a direct effect on an organization’s overall performance is the composition of its top managers.  Teams of top leaders are commonly referred to as top management teams (TMT), and researchers have investigated how various aspects of an organization’s TMT effect

Diversity just makes cent$

Topic: Diversity Publication: Personnel Psychology Article: Mean racial-ethnic differences in employee sales performance:  The moderating role of diversity climate. Blogger: Larry Martinez Having lots of diversity in your organization seems like a generally good business principal; after all, almost every one of the top companies have mission statements that include diversity as one of their