Category: Stress

The Overwhelming Effect of Job Demands on Spillover

Topic: Stress, Work-Life Balance
Publication: Journal of Vocational Behavior (JUN 2010)
Article: The costs of today’s jobs: Job characteristics and organizational supports as antecedents of negative spillover
Authors: A.R. Grotto and K.S. Lyness
Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger

Stressed at Work? Here’s a Drink on Me!

Topic: Stress Publication: Personnel Psychology (AUTUMN 2009) Article: Daily work stress and alcohol use: Testing the cross-level moderation effects of neuroticism and job involvement Authors: S. Liu, M. Wang, Y. Zhan, and J. Shi Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger Many employees (perhaps as many as 92.5 million in the U.S. alone)

The Researcher’s Advantage to Chilled-Out Survey Participants

Topic: Stress, Wellness Publication: Journal of Organizational and Occupational Psychology Article: Too stressed out to participate Examining the relation between stressors and survey response behavior. Blogger: LitDigger If you’re in the kind of work I’m in, your projects thrive off of survey response rates. Yes, that is only one element to a successful organizational study, BUT CLEARLY response rates are a big deal to research! You probably have read some articles on

Don’t Stress About the Job Search…Oh Wait, Maybe You Should!

Topic: Staffing, Stress Publication: International Journal of Selection and Assessment Article: The joint role of locus of control and perceived financial need in job search. Blogger: Benjamin Granger Not surprisingly, one of the most important predictors of finding employment is the intensity with which one searches for a job (Remember mom saying, “Get off the couch and go look

Doing what Simon Says Regarding Safety

Topic: Stress, Wellness, Work Environments Publication: Journal of Business Ethics Article: Ethical climates and workplace safety behaviors: an empirical investigation. Blogger: LitDigger How do you know that you won’t trip on the telephone cord your coworker has stretched across the entryway of your cubicle?  You don’t (until the inevitable happens).  How do you know whether or not workplace safety behaviors are actually practiced in your organization?  A study

Rest, Relax and Be Merry…At Work!

Topic: Stress, Work-Life Balance Publication: Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology Article: Staying vigorous until work is over: The role of trait vigor, day-specific work experiences and recovery. Blogger: Benjamin Granger After a long hard day of work, many of us get back home only to do more work!  After all that,

Office Decorations…Keeping Males Calm?

Topic: Job Attitudes, Stress, Work Environment Publication: Environment & Behavior Article:  Anger and Stress: The Role of Landscape Posters in an Office Setting Blogger: LitDigger Is there more to aesthetic beauty than, well, aesthetics?  Office employees may think they’re enjoying art for art’s sake, but the benefits of art may be more complex

How Do You Say “Stress” in Mandarin?

Topic: Stress Publication: Journal of Applied Psychology Article: Theories of job stress and the role of traditional values:  A longitudinal study in China. Blogger: Larry Martinez Here’s an ultra-brief but necessary synopsis of stress theory:  difficult, restrictive jobs create stress, and stress is bad for your health.  Researchers suggest mediating the negative effects of