Rapport Building on Job Interviews: How Much Does It Matter?
Researchers investigate whether rapport building on job interviews is helpful or harmful to the process of accurately assessing employees.
Researchers investigate whether rapport building on job interviews is helpful or harmful to the process of accurately assessing employees.
Topic: Talent Management
Publication: The Financial
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Topic: Feedback, Goals, Performance
Publication: Human Performance
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Topic: Staffing
Publication: Personnel Psychology
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Topic: Assessment, Staffing Publication: Human Resource Management Review (SEP 2009) Article: Situational judgment tests: An overview of current research Authors: Whetzel, D. L., & McDaniel, M.A. Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger Situational Judgment Tests (SJTs): you may have heard of them, may have used them, may have taken them, and may
Topic: Staffing, Turnover Publication: Academy of Management Journal (APR 2009) Article: Searching for the optimal level of employee turnover: A study of a large U.K. retail organization Authors: W.S. Siebert, N. Zubanov Reviewed by: Katie Bachman There are two ways to think about turnover. Some will tell you that turnover is bad
Topic: Diversity, Recruiting, Staffing Publication: Journal of Business Ethics Article: Social desirability response bias, gender, and factors influencing organizational commitment: An international study. Author: R.A. Bernardi, S.T. Guptill Featured by: Lit Digger Given today’s economy, job openings are drying up. However, for those companies that DO have open positions to fill, recruiters may still find it valuable to emphasize