Tag: staffing

Everything You Need to Know about Situational Judgement Tests

Topic: Assessment, Staffing Publication: Human Resource Management Review (SEP 2009) Article: Situational judgment tests: An overview of current research Authors: Whetzel, D. L., & McDaniel, M.A. Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger Situational Judgment Tests (SJTs): you may have heard of them, may have used them, may have taken them, and may

Balancing on the Tightrope of Ideal Turnover

Topic: Staffing, Turnover Publication: Academy of Management Journal (APR 2009) Article: Searching for the optimal level of employee turnover: A study of a large U.K. retail organization Authors: W.S. Siebert, N. Zubanov Reviewed by: Katie Bachman There are two ways to think about turnover. Some will tell you that turnover is bad

Wanted: Company that is Well-Endowed, Reputable, and Ethical

Topic: Diversity, Recruiting, Staffing Publication: Journal of Business Ethics Article: Social desirability response bias, gender, and factors influencing organizational commitment: An international study. Author: R.A. Bernardi, S.T. Guptill Featured by: Lit Digger Given today’s economy, job openings are drying up. However, for those companies that DO have open positions to fill, recruiters may still find it valuable to emphasize

Problems with and Alternatives to Realistic Job Previews (RJPs)

Topic: Recruiting, Staffing Publication: Human Resource Management Article: Realistic recruitment practices in organizations: The potential benefits of generalized expectancy calibration Author: B.J. Morse, P.M. Popovich Featured by: Benjamin Granger Realistic Job Previews (RJPs) are commonly employed by organizations and are intended to provide recruits/job applicants with realistic (both positive and some negative) information about the job/organization. Ideally, RJPs should

The Intuition Strikes Back

Topic: Assessment, Selection, Staffing Publication: Industrial and Org. Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice Article:  Stubborn reliance on human nature in employee selection: statistical decision aids are evolutionarily novel. Blogger: Benjamin Granger In a previous blog titled “Intuition vs. Science: The Battle Rages On!”, I wrote on Highhouse’s (2008) article which called attention to the disparity between

Intuition vs. Science: The Battle Rages On!

Topic: Assessment, Selection, Staffing Publication: Industrial and Org. Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice Article: Stubborn reliance on intuition and subjectivity in employee selection. Blogger: Benjamin Granger How do typical organizations make hiring decisions? More specifically, do employers tend to prefer selection decision aids supported by research, or do they tend to prefer the use

Don’t Stress About the Job Search…Oh Wait, Maybe You Should!

Topic: Staffing, Stress Publication: International Journal of Selection and Assessment Article: The joint role of locus of control and perceived financial need in job search. Blogger: Benjamin Granger Not surprisingly, one of the most important predictors of finding employment is the intensity with which one searches for a job (Remember mom saying, “Get off the couch and go look