Category: Turnover

Work Hard or Disengage in the Face of Job Insecurity?

Topic: Performance, Turnover
Publication: Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (MAR 2010)
Article: A model for the effects of job insecurity on performance, turnover intention, and absenteeism
Authors: T. Staufenbiel and C.J. König
Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger

Emotional Labor & Turnover…Fake It ‘Til You Make It?

Topic: Turnover Publication: Journal of Organizational Behavior (NOV 2009) Article: A predictive study of emotional labor and turnover Authors: S.L. Chau, J.J. Dahling, P.E. Levy, J.M. Diefendorff Reviewed By: Katie Bachman Good customer service may be causing workers to consider leaving their organization. Putting on a smile through a difficult interaction

Why Women Make the Team…but Leave

Topic: Diversity, Turnover Publication: Journal of Business Research (NOV 2009) Article: What causes turnover among women on top management teams? Authors: H.A. Krishnan Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger Although women are underrepresented in upper management, the gender diversity of Top Management Teams (TMTs) is steadily increasing. In fact, research suggests that the

Balancing on the Tightrope of Ideal Turnover

Topic: Staffing, Turnover Publication: Academy of Management Journal (APR 2009) Article: Searching for the optimal level of employee turnover: A study of a large U.K. retail organization Authors: W.S. Siebert, N. Zubanov Reviewed by: Katie Bachman There are two ways to think about turnover. Some will tell you that turnover is bad

Beware the Turnover Bug: It’s Contagious!

Topic: Employee Satisfaction, Motivation, Turnover Publication: Academy of Management Journal (JUN 2009) Article: Turnover contagion: How coworkers’ job embeddedness and job search behaviors influence quitting. Author: W. Felps, T.R. Mitchell, D.R. Hekman, T.W. Lee, B.C. Holtman, W.S. Harman Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger There is a HUGE body of research literature on the predictors and causes of employee turnover (better grab two cups of coffee before reading all of these articles!). Most of the research has investigated either individual-level explanations (e.g., low job satisfaction) or economic

Can Personality Predict Turnover?

Topic: Turnover Publication: Personel Psychology Article: Understanding the impact of personality traits on individuals’ turnover decisions: a meta-analytic path model. Blogger: Katie O’Brien Apparently, it can!  While the rest of us who study turnover have been looking mostly at environmental influences that lead people to quit, Ryan Zimmerman has been

Job Satisfaction and Voluntary Turnover

Topic: Turnover Publication: Academy of Management (2008) Article: Understanding Voluntary Turnover: Path-Specific Job Satisfaction Effects and the Importance of Unsolicited Job Offers’. Blogger: LitDigger Do you buy in to the notion that employee turnover is most affected by job satisfaction and current unemployment rates?  If so, you are in good academic company,

Predicting Burnout

Topic: Burnout, Turnover Publication: The Journal of Applied Psychology (2008) Article: Early predictors of job burnout and engagement. Blogger: Larry Martinez Burnout refers to a sense of just being ‘over’ one’s job, as in, “I don’t want to do this anymore, I’m burned out.”  This is a problem for organizations and