The Future of Human Resources: Creating Value
HR has come a long way from its roots, but how can it increase its relevancy in a new global business paradigm?
HR has come a long way from its roots, but how can it increase its relevancy in a new global business paradigm?
Research shows that ethical leadership and human resource management can lead to employee success—if they work together.
Topic: Professional Identity
Publication: Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice
Article: Organizational Psychology and the Tipping Point of Professional Identity
Authors:Ann Marie Ryan and J. Kevin Ford Selected commentary authors: Muchinsky, Shanock,Rogelberg, and Heggestad
Reviewed by: Samantha Paustian-Underdahl
Topic: Moral Behavior, Automatic Social Cognition
Publication: Journal of Applied Psychology
Article: Automatic ethics: The effects of implicit assumptions and contextual cues on moral behavior
Authors: Reynolds, S. J., Leavitt, K., & DeCelles, K. A.
Reviewed By: Bobby Bullock
Topic: Talent Management, Turnover
Publication: Journal of Applied Psychology (AUG)
Article: A conceptual and empirical analysis of the cognitive ability-voluntary turnover relationship
Authors: M.A. Maltarich, A.J. Nyberg, and G. Reilly
Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger
Topic: Citizenship Behaviors, Counter-Productive Work Behavior, Job Performance Publication: Journal of Management (SEP) Article: Organizational tenure and job performance Authors: T.W.H. Ng and D.C. Feldman Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger It is often intuited that employees who remain in an organization longer gain more knowledge of their job and the organization and thus perform at a higher level than employees
Topic: Fairness, Diversity, Performance Appraisal
Publication: Academy of Management Journal
Article: An examination of whether and how racial and gender biases influence customer satisfaction
Authors: D. R. Hekman, K. Aquino, B. P. Owens, T. R. Mitchell, P. Schilpzand, & K. Leavitt
Reviewed By: Katie Bachman
Topic: Human Resources
Publication: Academy of Management Perspectives
Article: What’s the evidence on evidence-based management? (NOV 2009)
Author: T. Reay, W. Berta, and M. K. Kohn
Reviewed by: Sarah Teague
Topic: Test Bias, Selection
Publication: Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice
Article: Not Seeing Clearly With Cleary: What Test Bias Analyses Do and Do Not Tell Us
Authors: A.W. Meade and S. Tonidandel
Selected commentary authors: P.R. Sackett and P. Bobko
Reviewed By: Samantha Paustian-Underdahl
Topic: Training
Publication: International Journal of Selection and Assessment (JUN 2010)
Article: Social support in the workplace and training transfer: a longitudinal analysis
Authors: D.S. Chiaburu, K. Van Dam, & H.M. Hutchins,
Reviewed By: Jared Ferrell