Tag: industrial-organizational psychology

Organizational Citizenship: more than a matter of “scratching backs

Topic: Citizenship Behavior, Fairness
Publication: Journal of Applied Psychology (MAR 2010)
Article: Paying you back or paying me forward: Understanding rewarded and unrewarded organizational citizenship behavior
Authors: M.A. Korsgaard, B.M. Meglino, S.W. Lester, & S.S. Jeong
Reviewed By: Bobby Bullock

The Overwhelming Effect of Job Demands on Spillover

Topic: Stress, Work-Life Balance
Publication: Journal of Vocational Behavior (JUN 2010)
Article: The costs of today’s jobs: Job characteristics and organizational supports as antecedents of negative spillover
Authors: A.R. Grotto and K.S. Lyness
Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger

Performance Ratings = More Than Just Performance

Topic: Performance Appraisal
Publication: Journal of Organizational Behavior (MAY 2010)
Article: The impact of non-performance information on ratings of job performance: A policy-capturing approach
Authors: J.R. Spence and L.M. Keeping
Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger

Corporate Image, Attraction, and Top Talent

Topic: Recruiting, Organizational Reputation
Publication: International Journal of Selection and Assessment
Article: Does image matter to different job applicants? The influences of corporate image and applicant individual differences on organizational attractiveness
Authors: W-C. Tsai & I. W-F. Yang
Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger

What Makes for a Successful Employee and Why?

Topic: Job Performance, Personality
Publication: Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (MAR 2010)
Article: Human capital and objective indicators of career success: The mediating effects of cognitive ability and conscientiousness
Authors: T.W.H. Ng and D.C. Feldman
Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger

Work Hard or Disengage in the Face of Job Insecurity?

Topic: Performance, Turnover
Publication: Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (MAR 2010)
Article: A model for the effects of job insecurity on performance, turnover intention, and absenteeism
Authors: T. Staufenbiel and C.J. König
Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger

Do “Shocks” Lead to Positive Workplace Outcomes?

Topic: Job Performance, Job Attitudes
Publication: Journal of Vocational Behavior (FEB 2010)
Article: The buffering effects of job embeddedness on negative shocks
Authors: J.P. Burton, B.C. Holtom, C.J. Sablynski, T.R. Mitchell, and T.W. Lee
Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger

Cheating on Unproctored Internet-Based Tests – is it a big deal?

Topic: Personality Assessment
Publication: International Journal of Selection and Assessment (MAR 2010)
Article: The magnitude and extent of cheating and response distortion effects on unproctored internet-based tests of cognitive ability and personality
Authors: W. Arthur, R.M. Glaze, A.J. Villado, and J.E. Taylor
Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger

The Employee Network: to Keep or Not to Keep Under the Radar

Topic: Organizational Performance, Change Management
Publication: Harvard Business Review (MAR 2010)
Article: Harnessing your staff’s informal networks
Authors: R. McDermott, D. Archibald
Reviewed by: Liz Brashier