Category: Personality

What Makes for a Successful Employee and Why?

Topic: Job Performance, Personality
Publication: Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (MAR 2010)
Article: Human capital and objective indicators of career success: The mediating effects of cognitive ability and conscientiousness
Authors: T.W.H. Ng and D.C. Feldman
Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger

Predicting Job Performance with Implicit Words Games?

Topic: Personality, Measurement, Job Performance
Publication: Personnel Psychology (SPRING 2010)
Article: We (sometimes) know not how we feel: Predicting job performance with an implicit measure of trait affectivity
Authors: R.E. Johnson, A.L. Tolentino, O.B., Rodopman, and E. Cho
Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger

Can Personality Lead to Better Performance?

Topic: Motivation, Personality, Job Performance Publication: Personality and Individual Differences (MAR 2009) Article: Using a two-factor theory of achievement motivation to examine performance-based outcomes and self-regulatory processes. Authors: Story, P.A., Hart, J.W., Stasson, M.F., & Mahoney, J.M. Reviewed By: Samantha Paustian-Underdahl Have you ever wondered why some employees seem to find

Which Employees Set the Bar Higher?

Topic: Personality, Motivation, Goals Publication: Personality and Individual Differences (JAN 2010) Article: Individual differences in reactions to goal-performance discrepancies over time. Authors: P.D. Converse, E. Steinhauser, and J. Pathak Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger By nature, a goal creates a discrepancy between an employee’s current performance and some future state. For example,

So Many Constraints…Just Let Me to be Conscientious!

Topic: Job Performance, Personality Publication: Journal of Organizational Behavior (NOV 2009) Article: A meta-analytic investigation into the moderating effects of situational strength on the conscientiousness-performance relationship Authors: R.D. Meyer, R.S. Dalal and S. Bonaccio Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger Conscientiousness is a personality trait that predisposes employees to be well organized, attentive

Which Employees Go Above and Beyond — and Why?

Topic: Personality, Job Attitudes Publication: Journal of Applied Psychology (JUL 2009) Article: Personality and Citizenship Behavior: The mediating role of job satisfaction Authors: Ilies, R., Fulmer, I.S., Spitzmuller, M., & Johnson, M. D. Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (OCBs) are discretionary work behaviors that enhance the organizational environment

Cha Cha Cha Changes…in Selection and Training

Topic: Performance, Selection, Training Publication: Journal of Applied Psychology (JUL 2009) Article: Effects of selection and training on unit-level performance over time: A latent growth modeling approach   Authors: C. H. Van Iddekinge, C. H. Ferris, P. L. Perrewe, A. A. Perryman, F. R. Blass, & T. D. Heetderks Blogger:

Eyes on the prize

Topic: Leadership, Personality, Performance Publication: Journal of Applied Psychology (MAY 2009) Article:  The role of goal-focused leadership in enabling the expression of conscientiousness Authors: A.E. Colbert, L.A. Witt Reviewed By: Larry Martinez Colbert and Witt take the stance that goal-directed leadership tactics (being very directive about goals) creates an environment that allows

Beware of trait dominance in groups: Those people may be full of hot air!

Topic: Personality, Teams Publication: Journal of Applied Psychology Article: Why do dominant personalities attain influence in face-to-face groups? The competence-signaling effects of trait dominance.). Why do dominant personalities attain influence in face-to-face groups? The competence-signaling effects of trait dominance. Author: C. Anderson, G. Kilduff Featured by: LitDigger While attitudes towards group projects run the