Category: Job Performance

What Makes for a Successful Employee and Why?

Topic: Job Performance, Personality
Publication: Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (MAR 2010)
Article: Human capital and objective indicators of career success: The mediating effects of cognitive ability and conscientiousness
Authors: T.W.H. Ng and D.C. Feldman
Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger

Why Work Group Satisfaction Matters

Topic: Employee Satisfaction, Job Performance, Teams Publication: Personnel Psychology (SPRING 2010) Article: Satisfaction, citizenship behaviors, and performance in work units: A meta-analysis of collective construct relations Authors: D.S. Whitman, D.L. van Rooy, and C. Viswesvaran Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger The happy worker is the productive worker, right?  Not necessarily.  Indeed,

Predicting Job Performance with Implicit Words Games?

Topic: Personality, Measurement, Job Performance
Publication: Personnel Psychology (SPRING 2010)
Article: We (sometimes) know not how we feel: Predicting job performance with an implicit measure of trait affectivity
Authors: R.E. Johnson, A.L. Tolentino, O.B., Rodopman, and E. Cho
Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger

Can Personality Lead to Better Performance?

Topic: Motivation, Personality, Job Performance Publication: Personality and Individual Differences (MAR 2009) Article: Using a two-factor theory of achievement motivation to examine performance-based outcomes and self-regulatory processes. Authors: Story, P.A., Hart, J.W., Stasson, M.F., & Mahoney, J.M. Reviewed By: Samantha Paustian-Underdahl Have you ever wondered why some employees seem to find

Do Optimistic Predictions Lead to Quicker Completion Times?

Topic: Goals, Job Performance, Judgment Publication: Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (JAN 2010) Article: Finishing on time: When do predictions influence completion times? Authors: R. Buehler, J. Peetz, and D. Griffin Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger Past research has shown that human beings often underestimate the amount of time necessary for

To Monitor or not to Monitor Emails: That is the Question

Topic: Job Performance Publication: Academy of Management Perspectives (NOV 2009) Article: Monitoring employee emails: Is there any room for privacy? Authors: W.P. Smith and F. Tabak Reviewed By: Benjamin Granger It’s hard to imagine work without email. For many employees, email is a necessity. One potential problem with email, however,