Month: June 2009

Managing Grief in the Workplace

Topic: Emotional Intelligence, Wellness Publication: Academy of Management Article:  Grief and the workplace. Blogger: Benjamin Granger To shed light on the issue of grief in the workplace, Mary Ann Hazen (2008) provided several suggestions for how managers and organizations can effectively respond to grieving employees. Several suggestions provided by Hazen (2008)

The Intuition Strikes Back

Topic: Assessment, Selection, Staffing Publication: Industrial and Org. Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice Article:  Stubborn reliance on human nature in employee selection: statistical decision aids are evolutionarily novel. Blogger: Benjamin Granger In a previous blog titled “Intuition vs. Science: The Battle Rages On!”, I wrote on Highhouse’s (2008) article which called attention to the disparity between

Intuition vs. Science: The Battle Rages On!

Topic: Assessment, Selection, Staffing Publication: Industrial and Org. Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice Article: Stubborn reliance on intuition and subjectivity in employee selection. Blogger: Benjamin Granger How do typical organizations make hiring decisions? More specifically, do employers tend to prefer selection decision aids supported by research, or do they tend to prefer the use

Venture Capital…and I/O?

Topic: Change, Organizational Development, Organizational Performance Publication: Administrative Science Quarterly Article: Bringing the context back in: Settings and the search for syndicate partners in venture capital investment networks. Blogger: Rob Stilson All right, so let me get the “summary” part of this out of the way first. A recent study by Sorenson and Stuart

Behavioral Targeting…Yuck!

Topic: Organizational Justice Publication: Business Week Article: Interactional justice: Communication criteria of fairness. Blogger: James Grand Business Week (September 8, 2008) reported that campaign managers from the McCain and Obama camps used a new advertising technique conspicuously termed “behavioral targeting” (how did that make it through PR?) in order to reach specific demographic sectors of the voting

What’s the Big Deal with Emotional Intelligence Tests?

Topic: Emotional Intelligence, Selection Publication: Journal of Organizational Behavior Article: Faking emotional intelligence: Comparing response distortion on ability and trait based EI measures. Authors: A.L. Day, S.A. Carroll Reviewed by: Benjamin Granger Many believe that job applicants can fake personality tests. And we know that in some cases (e.g., unproctored, online) cheating on ability

Devoted Mentor or DeMENTORvated?

Topic: Mentoring Publication: Journal of Vocational Behavior Article: Formal mentoring programs: the relationship of program design and support to mentors’ perceptions of benefits and costs. Blogger: LitDigger For those of you out there who may be in the middle of designing mentoring programs (or for those protégés who are curious about how their

Crazy Leadership Findings

Topic: Emotions at Work, Leadership, Personality Publication: Personality and Individual Differences Article: The “dark” side of leadership personality and transformational leadership: an exploratory study. Blogger: LitDigger Are you tired of all the literature linking narcissism to leadership? Ready for a new spin? Well, buckle your safety belts and whirl around with me. A