The Best Way to Assess Training Effectiveness
Researchers compare different methods of assessing the effectiveness of on-the-job training. They find that simply asking people whether training works may not work as well as people might think.
Researchers compare different methods of assessing the effectiveness of on-the-job training. They find that simply asking people whether training works may not work as well as people might think.
Researchers discuss best practices for using assessment centers to select or promote employees.
Researchers find that employees who make certain contributions to their teams may also see an improvement in their own individual job performance.
Researchers demonstrate that velocity – or moving quickly toward goals – is an important part of keeping employees satisfied with their job performance.
Research finds that store managers not only affect employees, they also play an important role in affecting the satisfaction of customers.
Have you found yourself wondering how organizations can get away with corruption? How it can seemingly become an industry norm to engage in devious practices? New research may provide some answers. THE RESEARCH STUDY Research on the use of wage arrears—purposely delaying payment of workers’ earned wages—in Russia showed that
Although measures of personality are fairly common in employee selection and assessment contexts, research suggests that measures of various personality characteristics tend to be less predictive of job performance than other common selection tests (e.g., cognitive ability tests, technical work sample tests). Typically, items on personality measures ask job applicants/employees
Researchers find that workplace fairness is especially important for leaders who are powerful, and less important for leaders who are not powerful.
There is a huge opportunity for industrial-organizational psychologists and human resource professionals to implement talent management strategies that are based on evidence. This could help organizations achieve long-term success.
Researchers investigate how the the type of feedback can affect whether employees are successful at achieving their work-related goals.